Sunday, January 17, 2016

Donald J.Trump/an evaluation

Donald Trump suffers from a major personality disorder which causes his mind, emotions and intellect to be knotted up—entangled  in a way contrary to anything a normal person perceives and experiences as reality. He is incapable of accepting even the mildest form of correction or criticism without retaliating with vicious insults and/or mockery. He cannot compromise as he is constitutionally incapable of learning from his mistakes, because he cannot admit to making any mistakes.
“Truth to Trump is whatever suits him at the moment. His idea of having a discussion is to “argue and win” and/or cajole (seduce) others into agreeing with him. He exists not for God, Family and/or Country,  but for the worship and ultimate enshrinement of Donald J. Trump in the Universal Hall of Fame for Deluded  Leaders. His psychological age is (give or take a few months) three years old.
There are millions of graves across Germany silently shouting, ”Please, do not vote for him. 'All that glitters is not gold.' He slaughtered millions of innocents and reduced our country to rubble. He said he loved us and would make our country great again and we and all the children believed him.  Why?

Because we needed to believe.”

Thursday, December 24, 2015


The pundits are falling all over each other trying to discover reasons for the so called Trump phenomenon. What is it? Why is it occurring? They keep going round and round without getting to it, like they are looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack. They speculate what Trump could be plugging into to gain all that popularity, calling it a populist thing. They keep asking, why are all those folks falling all over Trump, willing to follow him to wherever he shall lead them? Is it the uneducated vs the educated elite? They continue to ask the wrong questions over and over.
I suggest starting with this question: What is the main reward (carrot) that in spite of the different—even contradicting issue or issues among them that are fueling their resentments and hatred, they are being drawn as one, toward Trump? And I would further ask this: Is there a prime need on another level that is being met, satisfied, perhaps even satiated that lifts them over and beyond any questions or criticism they may have in regard to their own differences and/or Trump’s lies, outrageous behavior and deficiencies?
As I intimated above, it is not the needle we should be looking for. It is the hay itself—the hay itself right in front of us, and there are tons of it. And if we are not careful we will wind up not seeing the forest through the trees and under the guise of “being fair,” partially wooing him, as Chris Mathews does in his so called documentary.
Again I suggest, It is the hay itself.
The pitch fork is Trump, scooping it all up into not so neat piles and stacks.
So lets look at the “hay”—the crowd that has been wooed and conquered by the narcissist, Trump.
In spite of their many differences they share these things in common—seething resentment, fear (of real freedom and/or failure) anger (generalized and specific) hatred of institutions and government, suspicion of people or groups that they perceive to be different from themselves, less than human and not deserving of freedom.
The hatred they are carrying is unbearable or near to unbearable. It weighs on them and they seek to have that burden lifted as a starving man needs to have his hunger lifted. Trump comes along and promises release from their pain. He tells them that even though their government has abandoned them, he, Trump, will love and support them come what may. They are being thoroughly wooed at that point and he shows them that he shares their hatred for Obama, Hilary Clinton, immigrants, blacks, Hispanics, liberals, etc. And what does that do for them. They begin to love him and more and more their personal hatred which has made them so miserable is transformed into LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, YEA JOY projected onto that powerful figure in front of them on the podium who promises to shower them with everything that has made he himself great and to whom they are ready and willing to give their all. He can do no wrong. They are no longer alone. They have faith and belief in . . . the Trump! The Trump!! The Trump!!!
Heil Trump! Heil Trump!! Heil Trump!!!

Sunday, December 06, 2015

I am tired of the Pablum that is being dished out on this issue

Their toys are more important to them than the precious, irreplaceable lives of those lost through the years, including the 1st grade martyrs at Sandy Hook who with their heroic teachers were sacrificed because of the unfathomable obsession of ignorant and selfish men and women who worship at the altar of the NRA and are addicted to their damned toys. They may lay all the blame on the mentally disturbed shooter, but they are the enablers—the ones who keep the gun shows open and the supply routes flowing.
As the bullets rip through the flesh and bones of their victims, the Al Qaeda fanatics shout, "God is Great" and as the children die, we hear through their screams, the deadly credo of the gun addicts, “Guns are Great."


1. Is that gun you own and your reasons for owning it more important than the children that were massacred at Sandy Hook?

2. Who is more courageous—the man or woman who surrounds him or herself with one or twenty guns, or the man or woman who refuses to buckle in the face of fear and danger and dares to live without them?

3. If you call yourself a Christian and you own a gun, what then is your rationale for owning that gun?

4. Shouldn’t your faith be in your Savior Jesus, rather than that gun?

5. Did Jesus promise you that if you turned the other cheek, you and your family would survive?
6. If not, does that make Christianity something tougher than you can handle?

If your argument is the same one spat out by hard line NRA members, complicit members of Congress and other gun devotees—that after such massacres is the time for grieving—not the time to look at gun control, then let me say this to you. You are ready, set and primed to NEVER look at it and that is fundamentally why this horror show continues to repeat itself and babies continue to be slaughtered.


Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Billy Flynn is a very unusual boy.It's Okay to Lie - If Your Fingers Are Crossed He wants to see the Lone Ranger unmasked on radio.

Monday, December 17, 2012


We should look at gun ownership as a disease, an addiction, like alcoholism, and have GA programs for it across America.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Best

Romney was correct. Change is coming, but it is forward change that Obama is offering—not unpatriotic and immoral voter suppression and voter intimidation tactics, pathological lying and habitual distortion of truth and fact—not a fanatical thirst for power, nor a constant and shameless shifting of positions on issues in a desperate attempt to mislead folks and woo votes—not retrogressive values that only have meaning to the 30% of Americans who fear the future and cling to the past like frightened monkeys on a precarious tree limb.
Onward Mr. President. You are a compassionate, thoughtful and courageous man of fine character and abilities—the stuff greatness is made of. You are my President. You are the President of America. You walk the way you talk. You are the best of the best.

Monday, July 23, 2012

ON THE GUN ISSUE or I should say: On the Deaths of a Six and Nine Year Old

President O’ Bama does not need to duck the gun issue and give lip service to the 2nd Amendment for one excellent reason. The NRA gave him nothing, gives him nothing and will continue to give him nothing but headaches. They will continue to see him as their enemy no matter what he does or says. Not one vote among them is for him. And a comfortable majority of Americans would be on his side should he endorse more regulation in the matter. Let them go, President O’Bama.  Do not attempt to please them in any way. Let them die their inevitable natural death, ala “The John Birch Society”. It may not be for a few more generations but it will happen. The NRA posture is the classic bully posture and when it comes down to numbers, they simply don’t have them.

We can cheer the President on in our hearts and/or wish that he would act, but it is mainly up to us individual Americans to speak out against the gun lobby and their irrational train of thought. It is the only way they will eventually lose their grip on politicians in Washington, who traditionally go the way the damn wind blows anyhow. Yes, President O’Bama has the opportunity to benefit humanity and save the lives of thousands of Americans, but we must live with the likelihood that he may not.

Nine-year-old, Christina Taylor Green, died in New Mexico. Six-year-old, Veronica Moser, died in Aurora. 
Listen to Mayer Bloomberg Barrack. He is no coward and knows whereof he speaks.
The argument NRA members are currently promulgating does not hold water—that if we take guns away from the killers, they will switch to bombs. That may be true in the Colorado case, but it is a rarity. Why? Because ninety nine percent of the time, the killers choose guns because they provide the user with a profound sense of invulnerability, combined with the up-close feeling, and that is one of the things they are seeking—a personal touch that still keeps their psychopathology in tact.  That desire is meshed in with their craziness and guns do that for them.   Bombs do not.

The Darker Side of the American Character, Side by Side With American Exceptional ism.

There are a lot of beautiful and wonderful things about America that we all share, but when things go wrong, it is important that we check out our darker side to ensure that our defects are not creeping up on us, working against our values and tearing down the good things.

At the risk of appearing to knee-jerker NRA and Tea-party types as un-American, I will spell out a few of these defects for discussion.  
Let us for a moment, look at our “American Character”—the image we project outward, across the planet to our international friends, neighbors and enemies i.e. our National Character.
Let us start with how catastrophically vulnerable we are because of the illusions we have about ourselves and our putrefying lack of self knowledge.

Here is one of the major truths the world knows about us.
We are knee-jerk reactive to an extreme, bordering on madness.
Example: A hand full of guys from Saudi Arabia got together and flew some planes into a few buildings, killing several thousand people. Our knee jerk reaction was to repeatedly and blatantly insist that only Americans died there,  invade a country that had nothing to do with it, and kill one hundred thousand souls (men, women, children) then lie about why we were there and why we were doing it.
“GET EVEN” was the underlying fetch call to Congress and the people, no matter who or how many, we killed in the process—a totally knee-jerk reaction.

Yes, our kneejerk reaction was once again etched in relief for all the world to see (remember Vietnam? The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,The Domino Theory etc.).

That particular facet of our American character—the “Dirty Harry” facet we love so much about ourselves and have laced with so much glory-worship. How righteously, powerful, justified and revengeful we felt, as the bombs rained down on Baghdad, knocking out the night janitors and cleaning women in Saddam’s castles and mansions.
We were the collective “Dirty Harry” archetype doing dirty work apparently for reasons only Clint Eastward, Cheney and Bush aficionados knew and know.

Actually (in Iraqi eyes) weren't we simply a bunch of invading marauders setting their country aflame with our heinous weapons, crawling through their city streets and neighborhoods maiming and killing anyone in our way (or not in our way) proving once again that America is the biggest bully in the valley and no one better fuck with us unless they want their balls blown off and/or their kids engulfed in flames.

Haven’t we proved to the world by now just how wrathful and dangerous we can be? We massacred millions of Indians and drove them off their land. We enslaved millions of blacks to run our plantations, then after we were forced to free them, we wouldn’t allow them to vote or get educated in a proper way. We discriminated against women (still do) and treat them as second and third class citizens.
Not to mention our gay brothers and sisters. You know the ones—Cheney’s daughter—Gingrich’s sister etc.
And if we dare to question America’s behavior or motives, we are un-American and deserve to be scorned, banished (ala Joe McCarthy talk and innuendo) away from the good people—the Wall Street manipulators, bankers, CEOs, arms and oil magnates and the brainwashed blue collared male Democrats who inexplicably see the moneyed elite Republicans as their betters, in spite of being repeatedly fucked by them year after year, and less we forget, the tea party folk whose attitude toward the poor is, “We got ours. Let them eat crumbs” and who, along with the others, wave the flag in blind and consummate support of the only (civilized ?) society on earth to use Atomic weapons against other humans and later rant and rave how evil Saddam was to gas Kurds In Northern Iraq.

Our monetary and moral solvency is at its lowest ebb since the great depression.

Our enemies?  In short, unless our enemies are really stupid, which of course they are not, they know that with the overreaching and un-sustainability of our military in Afghanistan and maintaining bases in over a hundred and thirty other countries, they don’t need to worry about a thing? Do you think they are unaware of our crumbling infrastructure—the vulnerability of our ports, bridges, railways, our water supply, the National Grid, nuclear and chemical plants, Cyber Space, our over reliance on foreign oil, and the foolhardy, inhumane, and chaotic War on Drugs.  Not to mention the over-crowding of our prisons, our crumbling educational system and the societal ramifications of reintegrating our courageous warriors and wounded as they return from their missions overseas with no jobs awaiting them and overwhelmed by Traumatic Stress Disorder.

And not to mention a thousand more— ”not to mentions.”
No, we don't need to prove to anyone that we are perfect and that we have enemies.
What about American Exceptional ism? How does that fit in?
Has anyone ever heard of the word, H-U-B-R-I-S?

Yes, we are our own worst . . .
aren't we?

Jack Flynn ©
July. 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

South Carolina/ Debate?

Last night’s South Carolina debate was symptomatic of the racism that runs like a series of veins and arteries through the right wing electoral heart of America.
Is it rampant, conscious racism? Rampant, yes, mainly when there are Republican events going on like last night with an audience composed mainly of two groups—tea party conservatives and Evangelical Christians. They were ninety-eight percent white, dressed to the gills and obviously not hurting financially. The unemployed had no emissaries there. Blacks and Hispanics were markedly under- represented.
Is the racism conscious? In other words, was that audience aware that it was racist?
I think, for the most part, no.
So, how do I know that they were racist?
By their behavior, specifically when Newt Gingrich accused President Obama of providing more food stamps than any other President in history. He received supportive shouts and a standing ovation and when Juan Williams suggested that Newt’s remarks displayed racial insensitivity, he (Williams) was booed loudly. Then, there was the condescending look and slimy intonation of Williams’s first name— J-u-a-n-n-n, which elicited reams of support from that audience, like he was a slimy wetback or something.
The racist, Newt Gingrich, had found his audience. They ate up the way he pontificated and smiled complacently to himself from his elite position as the chosen White Race Chieftain—educating and prodding the “ignorant” Negros and poor Whites of America how to be real men and find janitorial jobs. The contempt for the poor and dispossessed that Newt and the ignorant people in that audience displayed was perfectly disgusting.
I say “ignorant” because Newt and his audience are patently unaware that they have even a smidgen of racism in their bones. But they are loaded with it in their bone marrow, which makes the whole thing even more insidious. The righteous facade of Gingrich, Santorum, Perry, the tea party folk and the Christian right is so convincing that it makes them downright dangerous should they achieve control of “our” government in the coming election.
The sons of bitches even smell good, which makes them really scary.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Watch the Republican Debates to Keep an Eye on Them

I watch the Republican debates to keep an eye on them because should those people achieve power again, they will drive everything we know as kind and humane to its grave. Beyond hijacking voter rights, they want to abolish the FDA, the EPA and the Department of Education. They want to privatize Medicare, Social Security and the Postal Service and fill the Federal Court system with Judges whose main agenda is to protect the rights and fortunes of millionaires and billionaires.

They lack a sense of caring or responsibility to those who through no fault of their own are suffering and they are oblivious to the fact that the "chain of being" we inhabit, is only as strong as its weakest link.

If we keep our mouths shut about it, we will only encourage their selfishness, which has grown expedientially in recent years. If we allow them to regain power, unhampered, we will be helping them pave the way to a church/state oligarchy, gated communities, unaffordable or no medical care and more guns.

This isn't to say that we don't need the Tea Party/Ayn Rand Republican types. They do not lack intelligence, talent, innovation, drive and even a modicum of good will and Charity at Christmas (especially for their own).

Yes, they can run a company or factory like no one else, but they simply cannot handle political power without disallowing other people from a living wage and expressing themselves.

In spite of their sloppiness and disorganization, the men and women who can handle power and are more capable of keeping the Military in line, are the tried and true blue Democrats. As frustrating as they can be at times, they
at least have a heart, less of a tendency to abuse power than the other guys, and more likely to act with the freedom of the individual in mind.

It used to be Guns and Butter. Today it is guns or margarine — hopefully a “smart balance”.