Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Watch the Republican Debates to Keep an Eye on Them

I watch the Republican debates to keep an eye on them because should those people achieve power again, they will drive everything we know as kind and humane to its grave. Beyond hijacking voter rights, they want to abolish the FDA, the EPA and the Department of Education. They want to privatize Medicare, Social Security and the Postal Service and fill the Federal Court system with Judges whose main agenda is to protect the rights and fortunes of millionaires and billionaires.

They lack a sense of caring or responsibility to those who through no fault of their own are suffering and they are oblivious to the fact that the "chain of being" we inhabit, is only as strong as its weakest link.

If we keep our mouths shut about it, we will only encourage their selfishness, which has grown expedientially in recent years. If we allow them to regain power, unhampered, we will be helping them pave the way to a church/state oligarchy, gated communities, unaffordable or no medical care and more guns.

This isn't to say that we don't need the Tea Party/Ayn Rand Republican types. They do not lack intelligence, talent, innovation, drive and even a modicum of good will and Charity at Christmas (especially for their own).

Yes, they can run a company or factory like no one else, but they simply cannot handle political power without disallowing other people from a living wage and expressing themselves.

In spite of their sloppiness and disorganization, the men and women who can handle power and are more capable of keeping the Military in line, are the tried and true blue Democrats. As frustrating as they can be at times, they
at least have a heart, less of a tendency to abuse power than the other guys, and more likely to act with the freedom of the individual in mind.

It used to be Guns and Butter. Today it is guns or margarine — hopefully a “smart balance”.

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