Sunday, January 17, 2016

Donald J.Trump/an evaluation

Donald Trump suffers from a major personality disorder which causes his mind, emotions and intellect to be knotted up—entangled  in a way contrary to anything a normal person perceives and experiences as reality. He is incapable of accepting even the mildest form of correction or criticism without retaliating with vicious insults and/or mockery. He cannot compromise as he is constitutionally incapable of learning from his mistakes, because he cannot admit to making any mistakes.
“Truth to Trump is whatever suits him at the moment. His idea of having a discussion is to “argue and win” and/or cajole (seduce) others into agreeing with him. He exists not for God, Family and/or Country,  but for the worship and ultimate enshrinement of Donald J. Trump in the Universal Hall of Fame for Deluded  Leaders. His psychological age is (give or take a few months) three years old.
There are millions of graves across Germany silently shouting, ”Please, do not vote for him. 'All that glitters is not gold.' He slaughtered millions of innocents and reduced our country to rubble. He said he loved us and would make our country great again and we and all the children believed him.  Why?

Because we needed to believe.”

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