Sunday, December 06, 2015

I am tired of the Pablum that is being dished out on this issue

Their toys are more important to them than the precious, irreplaceable lives of those lost through the years, including the 1st grade martyrs at Sandy Hook who with their heroic teachers were sacrificed because of the unfathomable obsession of ignorant and selfish men and women who worship at the altar of the NRA and are addicted to their damned toys. They may lay all the blame on the mentally disturbed shooter, but they are the enablers—the ones who keep the gun shows open and the supply routes flowing.
As the bullets rip through the flesh and bones of their victims, the Al Qaeda fanatics shout, "God is Great" and as the children die, we hear through their screams, the deadly credo of the gun addicts, “Guns are Great."

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