Monday, July 23, 2012

ON THE GUN ISSUE or I should say: On the Deaths of a Six and Nine Year Old

President O’ Bama does not need to duck the gun issue and give lip service to the 2nd Amendment for one excellent reason. The NRA gave him nothing, gives him nothing and will continue to give him nothing but headaches. They will continue to see him as their enemy no matter what he does or says. Not one vote among them is for him. And a comfortable majority of Americans would be on his side should he endorse more regulation in the matter. Let them go, President O’Bama.  Do not attempt to please them in any way. Let them die their inevitable natural death, ala “The John Birch Society”. It may not be for a few more generations but it will happen. The NRA posture is the classic bully posture and when it comes down to numbers, they simply don’t have them.

We can cheer the President on in our hearts and/or wish that he would act, but it is mainly up to us individual Americans to speak out against the gun lobby and their irrational train of thought. It is the only way they will eventually lose their grip on politicians in Washington, who traditionally go the way the damn wind blows anyhow. Yes, President O’Bama has the opportunity to benefit humanity and save the lives of thousands of Americans, but we must live with the likelihood that he may not.

Nine-year-old, Christina Taylor Green, died in New Mexico. Six-year-old, Veronica Moser, died in Aurora. 
Listen to Mayer Bloomberg Barrack. He is no coward and knows whereof he speaks.
The argument NRA members are currently promulgating does not hold water—that if we take guns away from the killers, they will switch to bombs. That may be true in the Colorado case, but it is a rarity. Why? Because ninety nine percent of the time, the killers choose guns because they provide the user with a profound sense of invulnerability, combined with the up-close feeling, and that is one of the things they are seeking—a personal touch that still keeps their psychopathology in tact.  That desire is meshed in with their craziness and guns do that for them.   Bombs do not.

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