Friday, January 11, 2008

Who is Illegal?

We are a nation of immigrants. No one asked the Pilgrims for a green card.
How did you earn your citizenship?
I'll answer that.
It was, in most cases, given to you and required NOTHING of you. Now you fight like hell to stop others from getting it, while those others have struggled, worked and suffered to achieve it, enduring more than your worst nightmares could imagine. In my opinion, they have squatters rights. They have earned it through persistence and hard work, which is only to be respected, if not admired.
Like our own ancestors, they have overcome almost impossible odds to establish their lives and a future for themselves and their children.
Kicking out the babies??? Think of the brilliant minds we might send back—another Einstein, Gates, Lincoln or Ortiz. Think of the families that will be broken up and destroyed. Think of the dreams shattered? Would you like to see your own children deprived of their dreams—their future.

Pretty selfish way to live, isn’t it?

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